Mayor of Strovolos: "People embraced the green spots... 5 thousand tons of waste in one year"

  Strovolos Mayor satisfied with the public's response to the institution of green points - 5 thousand tons of waste have been collected in one year - Considerations for the creation of two new points in the capital - Read the interview with Strovolos Mayor Andreas Papacharalambous in the Cyprus Times For more than a year now, he has been...

Presentation of the Nicosia District Green Spots

The Council for the Exploitation of Household Waste Disposal or Recovery Sites presented today, Monday 24 June, at the Municipal Hall of Strovolos Municipality, the Green Points of Nicosia District. The presentation was made by the President of the Council, Strovolos Mayor Mr. Andreas Papacharalambous, the Mayor of Lakatamia Dr. Fotoula Hatzipapa, the Vice President and Mayor of Agrokipia Mr. Sotiris Kyriakou and the...

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